
Hear what families are saying about Brighter Tomorrows:

Heather vanKoeverden

Mother of Ana (Pilocytic astrocytoma)

We took our girls to a cancer support group called Brighter Tomorrows. They had a blast! We enjoyed a meal supplied by McDonalds, the kids played with a bunch of other kids, while we got to have adult conversations. Then the children decorated cookies and wrapped presents to give to children staying at the Ronald McDonald House. Everyone at the meeting was so welcoming and our girls loved their time there. It was also nice for us to share our story while gaining the support we needed from others.

Liz Canan

Mother of Will (Medulloblastoma)

Brighter Tomorrows hosted a family retreat at Faith’s Lodge in Danbury, WI allowing many of the cancer families to spend the weekend together. It was exactly what our family needed. We shared many tears and much laughter. It was such an honor and privilege to share this time with these amazing families and children. I so wish I could better articulate the power of these relationships but until you walk in our shoes, I do not think it possible. Brighter Tomorrows brings families together to provide ongoing love, support, and guidance through one of the most difficult journeys we will ever face in life.

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